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Are You Making These Business Card Mistakes?

Using a business card to promote your business is a great way to promote your business and network. That being said, you don’t want to make any business card mistakes that hold back your brand.

Though these mistakes might seem small, they add up over time. Whether you’re using a business card for your remote business or you’re using unique business card alternatives, you’ll want to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward.

If your card is cheap looking or doesn’t appear professional, a reported 39% of people won’t bother doing business with you. With stats like that, you need to check if you’re making these business card mistakes.

1. Information Overload

While you might think more information is better to ensure people know everything important about your company from your business card, this is a mistake. If a card is too full of information, you won’t know where to start.

Instead of thinking about your business card as a place to share everything, think of it as a first introduction. When you meet a stranger for the first time, you don’t share your entire life story. Similarly, you should use your business card to slowly draw people in so they want to learn more.

2. Poor Quality Paper

Another one of the most common business card mistakes is to use poor quality paper. While using lower quality paper might save you some money, it might hurt your brand in the long run.

When you create your business card, you want to make sure you’re sending a strong first impression. Using high-quality business cards is the best way to ensure your business looks its best.

3. Leave the Back Blank

While it’s a good idea to leave some blank space on your card so it’s easy to read, you should use all of your real estate. Leaving the back of your card blank could save you on printing costs, you’ll want to make sure you’re utilizing that vital space on the back of the business card.

What can you put on the back of your business card? Some ideas are:

  1. Your brand values

  2. Your brand promise or slogan

  3. A discount code or coupon

  4. Thank you note

  5. Logo or branding elements

Don’t make the common business card mistake of leaving your precious real estate blank. This is an opportunity to say something else about your business.

4. No Professional Email Address

When it comes to business card mistakes, there are two email address problems that hold business owners back. First, failing to include an email address at all is a mistake. A lot of people are too busy for phone calls and like to reach out for additional information via email.

The second mistake is using an email that’s not professional. A non-professional email address is anything that’s not branded to your company and isn’t easy to recognize. The most traditional format is “” or “” This isn’t the place for your personal email address.

5. Blend In

While using a template isn’t one of the worst business card mistakes on its own, you’ll want to avoid blending in. With so many business card builders available, it’s never been easier to make a design that you love. That being said, you want to ensure your design is unique and stands out.

If your card is mundane and unimpressive, it’s more likely to be thrown into the trash. Instead, look for a way to create something completely branded to your business that feels authentic, professional, and clean.

6. No Clarity

Last but not least, the final business card mistake is not being clear. A lot of business owners feel they need to be “mysterious” with their business cards, but this isn’t a good idea. Your prospective clients or customers need to know exactly what your business does when they read your card.

How do you do this? Include identifications within your logo, clear branding, and keywords relevant to your business. For example, if you’re a graphic designer, you might include “frontend graphic designer” under your name to ensure there’s no confusion.

Use Your Business Card Wisely

The better equipped you are to use your business card wisely, the more successful you’ll be when it comes to using your business card as a networking tool. This is something you should feel confident handing out to leads no matter where you are, from networking events to happy hour.

However, if you’re falling for any of these business card mistakes above, you’re not alone. There’s time to shift your design to ensure it’s taking the needs of your business into account. As the world goes more digital, don’t overlook the power of a physical, practical business card.

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