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Top 5 Logo Tips

Your logo says a lot about your company, your brand, and your audience. In this day and age, it’s also never been easier to create your own logo or work with a logo professional that fits your budget. However, you’ll quickly realize that logos aren’t as simple as they might appear.

With a total of 10 – 20 principles of design to consider when it comes to making a logo, how do you find what works best for your brand? Not only does your logo need to look great online, but you’ll also want to consider how it will appear on your print marketing and printed materials. Luckily, we’ve compiled the top 5 logo tips you need to know whether you’re making a logo yourself or working with a designer.

What Makes a Good Logo?

Before we begin sharing the top 5 logo tips, let’s discuss what actually makes a strong logo. A quality logo has all of the following:

  1. It’s eye-catching

  2. It’s memorable

  3. It captures your brand vibe

  4. It works well at any size (large or small)

  5. It’s timeless

Why do these things matter? First and foremost, you want something that’s easy to spot. It takes your users several exposures to your logo to actually remember it. Something that stands out from the crowd is a must. Better yet, you need something long-lasting. You don’t want to choose something too trendy that feels outdated in a few years.

Think of your favorite iconic brands. You can likely describe their logos off the top of your head. This is what it means to have a good, lasting logo that speaks to your audience. Now let’s share the best logo tips so you can actually create something you love.

1. Start with Pictures and Visuals

It’s overwhelming when you’re first getting started with your logo and you’re not sure how to include everything in a small graphic. The good news is you don’t have to. Less really is more, but it’s important to keep in mind that a picture is worth a thousand words.

Using the right visual elements or icons with your logo makes all the difference. A logo should be a visual representation of your brand and who you’re trying to attract. Why explain in words what your company does when you can show them instead?

For example, use a food icon to make it clear that you’re selling baked goods. Or if you’re a local coffee roaster, include a coffee bean or a coffee mug. These visuals are what tell the story of your brand quickly and effectively. Check out the two examples below. Which makes it clear instantly what the brand is about? The one with the visual, of course.

logo with image

2. Consider Your Logo’s Uses

When making your logo, it’s also important to consider how you’re planning to use it. This is one of the best logo tips because it’s also the most overlooked. If you’re creating a digital marketing agency, for example, you might only consider how your logo is useful online. While this is a great first step, it’s not your only step.

Consider how your logo will look on all of the following:

  1. Your website

  2. Your email signature

  3. Brand stickers

  4. Coffee mugs, pens, or other extras

You could have the greatest website logo in the world, but if it looks weird on a business card then it might not be the right fit for you. Using a mockup took is the best way to compare different ways to apply your logo design.

3. Use Color Logos

While it might seem easier to stick with a logo that’s in black and white, this isn’t a good idea. Black and white almost always fall flat, so this is something you should avoid if you can. There’s a whole psychology behind feelings and color, so make sure you’re using color to your advantage.

Not only do colors help your audience understand and feel different things, but they’re also a way to ensure your logo stands out on different backgrounds. When you print your logo on business cards, stickers, postcards, etc, you’ll need to make sure your logo pops against the background. In most cases, the background is white, so use color as a tool to your advantage.

Check out the example below. Which color logo stands out the most on the business card while also sharing the brand’s message? By using green for an eco-focused business, the green logo is more effective.

Example of color vs. black and white logo

4. Understand Your Tone

Right now, it’s trendy to have fun with your logo. While this might be the right fit for some brands, it’s not the best for others. Consider your industry and the tone you’re trying to set with your logo.

One of the most important logo tips for “serious” brands and professions is to be literal. If your company is named “Professional Consulting,” make sure you have a professional, to-the-point logo. On the other hand, if you’re a bit more whimsical with the service or product you’re selling, it’s okay to be a bit more creative.

5. Know When It’s Time for a Change

Last but not least, sometimes you have to reinvent the wheel. While most brands stay relatively the same, there does sometimes come a time and place for change.

The last logo tip is to recognize when your brand logo is in need of updating. If you created your first logo early in your business, this is likely the case. It’s natural for brands to evolve over time, and your demographic might shift as well. Consider Pepsi, one of the biggest brands in the world, which has changed its logo several times throughout its 120-year history.

If your logo no longer feels like a good fit, it’s time for a change. Just make sure you work with a high-quality designer and give a lot of thought to your newest updates.

Create the Perfect Logo with These Logo Tips

With the help of these 5 logo tips above, you’re ready to create the best logo possible for your business. No matter your business size, industry, and audience, a powerful logo pays off in a big way.

From unique business cards to the right fonts and colors, every little thing counts when working with such a small graphic. Are you ready for the challenge?

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